Linking youths to rice value chain

ENABLE-TAAT is collaborating with Mvomero District Council in Morogoro region to build capacity of more youth and ensure more youth-led agribusiness enterprises. The role of Mvomero district is to mobilize youth in the wards into groups through the ward agricultural officers while ENABLE-TAAT provides the selected youths with training and other technical support.  The district […]

Sensitizing Nigerian youth on the opportunities in agribusiness

ENABLE-TAAT is conducting sensitization programs at 11 National Youth Service Corp (NYSC) Orientation Camps in Nigeria. Nigeria’s NYSC scheme is a one-year mandatory program for graduates in Nigeria established in 1973 to reconstruct, reconcile, and rebuild the country after the Nigerian Civil War. The purpose of the scheme is primarily to inculcate in Nigerian youth[…..]

COVID-19 Pandemic: YEASA-IITA trains over 146 agripreneurs virtually

Despite the COVID-19 pandemic which affected the learning opportunities for youth globally, The IITA Youth Agripreneurs (IYA) trained over 146 youths in the second year of the Youth Employment in Agribusiness and sustainable Agriculture (YEASA) project using an e-learning platform with contents from the on-site training sessions and materials. The Youth Employment in Agribusiness[…..]

YEASA-IITA supports 103 youths to start their Agribusinesses in Nigeria and Republic of Benin

One of the main objectives of the Youth Employment in Agribusiness and Sustainable Agriculture (YEASA) project by giving grants to agripreneurs in Nigeria and Benin republic is to kickstart, build, sustain and grow their agribusiness enterprises which spread across the regions in Benin republic and Nigeria. The beneficiaries were full of praise for the YEASA[…..]

SARAH Director commends ENABLE-TAAT in Kaoma

From 15-16 December, Dr David Chikoye, IITA’s Southern Africa Research and Administrative Hub (SARAH) Director, visited ENABLE-TAAT trained youths in Kaoma district, Zambia, to monitor the progress of their startups. The 2-day visit allowed for in-depth interaction between the Director and youth-in-agribusiness. Back in 2018, a group of 30 youths participated in aquaculture and poultry[…..]

IITA partners with Mastercard Foundation in Nigeria to implement Young Africa Works

The International Institute of Topical Agriculture (IITA), through its Youth in Agribusiness office, is partnering with the Mastercard Foundation in Nigeria to implement the Young Africa Works strategy. The partnership aims to enable 242,724 young Nigerian women and men to build skills and secure dignified and fulfilling work opportunities in the agrifood value chain over[…..]

Agripreneurs Day out at Fasola Grammar School, Oyo.

The Start Them Early Program is a new initiative at the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, (IITA). It operates under the Youth in Agribusiness office with a focus on how to advance agribusiness development to secondary schools in Africa. It is aimed at redirecting the aspirations of young people in secondary schools towards careers in[…..]


The IITA Youth Agripreneurs (IYA) team in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), in collaboration with the government of the DRC through the Projet Integré de Croissance Agricole dans Les Grands Lacs, (PICAGL) project, on January 29th, organized an innovation and entrepreneurship competition titled “An Evening with Youth in Entrepreneurship and Agribusiness” which doubled as[…..]

Mentor Monday- Dr. Nteranya Sanginga

Dr. Nteranya Sanginga is the first African director-general of the world-renowned International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) and the father of Agripreneurship. He was born in Bukavu in the Democratic Republic of Congo. His passion for young people made him founding father of the Youth in Agribusiness (YIA) programme, which encourages young ‘agripreneurs’ by spending[…..]

YEASA Project Awards Grants to Youths

The Youth Employment in Agribusiness and Sustainable Agriculture (YEASA) Project has awarded grants to the youth they trained in Nigeria and the Republic of Benin for the first year of the project, as part of its mandate. The Project, which was launched in July 2019, is set to empower a thousand youths residents in rural[…..]