Ecobank collaborates with IITA to train and support 16,000 youths on agripreneurship

For immediate release Ecobank collaborates with IITA to train and support 16,000 youths on agripreneurship The partnership will also develop a youth-focused agribusiness finance model  Ibadan, Nigeria, March 10, 2023 – Ecobank, through a collaboration with the Nigeria-based CGIAR center International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), will provide training and support services to 16,000 youths […]

Onboarding of Beneficiaries at I-Youth Agripark

It started from an idea, now it is operational. I-Youth has established an Agribusiness Park in Kaduna state to provide trained beneficiaries with a common space and facility to operate their agric enterprises. The poultry Agribusiness Park housed within the facility of Miringa Farms in Zaria has two units of 1500-capacity layers pens, a unit[…..]

Youth Aquaculture Enterprise in Zambia demonstrates profitability

The youth compact of the Technologies of African Agricultural Transformation (TAAT) has a mandate to promote economic power among youth in Africa. This is does by exposing youth to agribusiness value chains and various profitability mechanisms. In Zambia, the compact, also called ENABLE-TAAT, has recorded a recurring success among the youth that are making a[…..]

ENABLE-TAAT launches demo fields at 12 NYSC Orientation camps

In line with its objective to provide agribusiness support to youth, ENABLE-TAAT has established agribusiness demonstration farms at 12 orientation camps of the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC), Nigeria. This initiative was a response to the call of the youth whose interest was stimulated after benefiting from the compact’s agribusiness sensitization in March, May, August[…..]

“We had life-transforming experience with ENABLE-TAAT” – Beneficiaries in Kenya

Jonathan Mutinda and Ian Mambo are beneficiaries of ENABLE-TAAT in Kenya. After a training and mentorship period of 15 months, they were able to create their own enterprise. At the beginning of their venture, they leased one-eighth of an acre at Dukuma Dam, Makueni County, where they began planting and selling OFSP and other vegetables.[…..]

Enable TAAT provides youths networking platform at open day in Tanzania

In contributing to youth inclusion and development, ENABLE TAAT organized an Open Day that provided a good networking forum for farmers and youth in Tanzania to share different knowledge and ideas about agribusiness at various capacities.  as a means of developing their capacity, promoting, and showcasing youth agricultural products to increase their income. The Open[…..]

Spotlight on the Youth enterprise in Kenya

Vigena Aquatic Blue Enterprise Limited (V-Aquatic Blue Ltd), owned by young experts trained under ENABLE-TAAT incubation and agribusiness park programs, is hoisting the flag of youth agripreneurship in West Kenya. The enterprise was established under the registrar of the Companies Act of Kenya to provide consultancy and extension services in the aquaculture sector. The young[…..]