Providing consultancy services on the development and management of profitable agribusiness enterprises is one of the ways used by IYA to attract and support young people into agribusiness. It is also a means of crowding-in operational funds for IYA as an organization. Asides from operating some enterprises along the value chain, they also offer consultancy services to people on agribusiness development and management. Individual, corporate bodies or organizations that have the passion to venture into agribusiness are welcomed by the team of young agripreneurs who have been trained by IITA. They take up the responsibility of identifying profitable agribusinesses and assist in managing the businesses or drafting strategies that could lead to successful operation of such businesses.
After being trained by IITA scientists and business experts on best bet agronomic practices and business management, IITA Youth Agripreneurs identified some agribusiness enterprises and operated them as core businesses. The youth developed businesses along the value chains of cassava, plantain, vegetable, maize, soybean, and catfish. The business which was initially operated on a small scale expanded after a series of market survey and increase in demands. To increase the revenue generation, the youth innovated and ventured into value addition of the commodities by producing snacks, smoked fish, soymilk, and garri.
Some of these enterprises also serve as case studies used to train intending agripreneurs during their incubation period.