Transforming agriculture in Kenya: ENABLE TAAT at the Kilimo Biashara Expo 2024

During the 2024 Kilimo Biashara Expo, the Technologies for African Agricultural Transformation (TAAT) initiative made a significant impact by participating and showcasing technologies from the Beans, Maize, and Orange Fleshed Sweet Potato (OFSP) compacts. The Kilimo Biashara Expo is an annual event organized by the Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization (KALRO), aimed at promoting […]

Strengthening Adamawa’s Dairy Sector: IITA and Sebore Farms Paving the Way to Prosperity

The International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) is exposing Adamawa state youths to dairy industry opportunities. This is facilitated through two of its youths in agribusiness projects- IFAD Agrihub and the Innovative Youth in Agriculture projects. The two projects have identified Sebore Farms in Adamawa State as a reliable partner to drive this cause. Through[…..]

Empowering Africa’s agricultural future: ENABLE TAAT Compact’s impact in Sierra Leone

In the heart of bustling African countries, TAAT has emerged as a beacon of hope for the continent’s youth. With a mission to empower and uplift through innovative technology in agriculture, TAAT, under the ENABLE TAAT Compact, is bridging the gap between traditional farming practices and modern techniques, paving way for a more sustainable and[…..]

I-Youth Agripark Initiative Thrives

The Agribusiness Park Initiative is strongly helping I-Youth Project beneficiaries through a six-month transformative entrepreneurial program focused on experiential learning within clustered agribusinesses. The initiative is empowering the beneficiaries with tangible support, offering them access to essential resources such as space and agricultural inputs, as well as mentorship. The park provides opportunities for beneficiaries to[…..]

World Bank Country Director challenges Agripreneurs

IYA recently hosted, the Country Director of the World Bank for Nigeria, Dr. Shubham Chaudhuri during his visit to the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) headquarters in Ibadan. During the visit, IYA provided a comprehensive overview of its initiatives, achievements, and success stories. The program highlighted its ongoing collaboration with the World Bank on[…..]

Empowering Malawi’s youth through agricultural innovation: The AIYAP II Collaboration

In implementing the Agricultural Infrastructure and Youth in Agribusiness Project (AIYAP II) in Malawi, the African Development Bank (AfDB) is collaborating with the Technologies for African Agricultural Transformation (TAAT) and ENABLE TAAT. The AIYAP project is on the mission to fight food insecurity and youth unemployment by improving irrigation. Recently, a team from the AfDB,[…..]

SARAH Director commends ENABLE-TAAT in Kaoma

From 15-16 December, Dr David Chikoye, IITA’s Southern Africa Research and Administrative Hub (SARAH) Director, visited ENABLE-TAAT trained youths in Kaoma district, Zambia, to monitor the progress of their startups. The 2-day visit allowed for in-depth interaction between the Director and youth-in-agribusiness. Back in 2018, a group of 30 youths participated in aquaculture and poultry[…..]