The IITA Youth Agripreneurs operate in the areas of rice seed multiplication, GEM parboiling technology and capacity building using the youth-to-youth approach as directed by AfricaRice. Note that some Agribusiness Completion start-ups also specialize in rice seed production. Read more…

While the Wheat Compact will operate in several countries, few are serviced by IYA and its youth have little experience in wheat production. Overlap occurs between Nigeria and Sudan, and the Compact and its leader (ICARDA) agreed to provide youth training in wheat production. Read more…

IITA Youth Agripreneurs will work within the Maize Compact to organize youth Agripreneurs to produce certified seed, establish demonstration fields, and to supply seed to women and youth interests. Some youth agribusiness start-ups will specialize in grain seed production and will access varietal licenses through this compact. Because this Compact mostly works with drought-tolerant maize, we must review where these varieties can be best situated as many of our agribusiness incubations are situated in humid areas. Read more…

ENABLE TAAT will advance the OFSP Compact through its Food Basket campaign. These technology demonstrations are planned for all youth locations. Technologies related to youth vine multiplication and production of puree. CIP agrees to provide vines to start operations. Participating youth will learn all areas of modernized sweet potato cultivation, harvest, storage and marketing. CIP is considering co-funding this collaboration. Read more…

The Compact is primarily seed-based but also considers mechanization, input provision and food processing. Youth engagement shall include seed multiplication and value-added processing, and possibly training in mechanization. While some IYA locations are located in semi-arid areas (e.g. Kenya, Nigeria, and Sudan), other of the Compact’s eight target countries (e.g. Chad) are not included within the IYA network. Read more…

This Compact (formerly Sheep and Goats) now includes additional small farm animals, particularly poultry. Two enterprises are well suited to youth-led agribusiness, poultry rearing and goat fattening. Also, opportunity exists to better cure the hides of goat and sheep. The existing Kano fattening program will be used as business model and replicated elsewhere. Feed production is an important business component. IYA will solicit interest in animal enterprise from its youth group cooperators during Year 1 and support expansion and start-up of this enterprise within its agribusiness incubations. Read more…

ENABLE TAAT will work with CIAT in the establishment of the food basket campaign. Youth Agripreneurs will be responsible for establishing demonstration fields, conducting open houses and training farmers. The youth will employ modern technologies in post-harvest management; seed cleaning, dressing, processing and packaging. IYA will also explore innovative staking technologies, bulking, transportation and market linkages. Read more…

The Aquaculture compact is co-led by WorldFish and IITA Youth Agripreneurs and will at first address value chains of tilapia and catfish production in countries where IYA currently operate agribusiness incubations in fish farming, Nigeria, Kenya and DR Congo. IYA will directly work to disseminate the identified technologies, beginning with fast growing quality fish seed and improved fish rearing technologies of tilapia and catfish, and their hybrids, improved post-harvest technologies and low cost fish feed formulation. Read more…

IYA will manage youth activities within the Cassava Compact. At first it will align technology applications within Nigeria, DR Congo, Tanzania, Sierra Leone and Zambia with possible expansion into Cameroon, Benin, Ghana, Mozambique, and Uganda (depending on the availability of funds). The technologies of special interest are mechanized weed management, Semi Autotrophic Hydroponic propagation, and value addition through flour and starch production. Read more…